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Beatles fan to recreate the day the Fab Four came to Norwich

06 April, 2013 - 0 Comments

They were a definite hit with the Norwich gig-goers, with excited fans snapping up the tickets. The queue on the night to get into the Grosvenor Rooms stretched all the way back to the old ABC cinema further up the road.

Half a century on, the Grosvenor Rooms are no more – with a KFC fast food restaurant now on the site instead – but The Beatles’ music continues to be as popular as ever, and to mark the anniversary of their Norwich visit Mark Cousens, from Tasburgh, is organising a tribute night in the city.

He has already booked Them Beatles as the tribute act to the Fab Four, and is now looking for a local support act.

“I grew up listening to The Beatles because of my dad. It was the first music I can remember hearing,” said 29-year-old Mr Cousens.

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Source: Evening News, UK
Photo Credit  Bill Smith

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