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Adele Rehearsing in Former McCartney Home

11 February, 2013 - 0 Comments

Multi-award winner Adele is practicing for her performance at the Oscar ceremony at Paul McCartney’s old house in India, according to the Sun UK.

The 24 yr-old British singer is up for an Academy Award for co-writing “Skyfall” for the latest James Bond film, and will perform the song before a worldwide audience.

The 24-year-old, said to be battling stage fright, is paying 47,000 pounds a month to rehearse in the house.

"Adele is really nervous about her Oscars performance, so decided against staying in a hotel where there would be lots of people around. The property's up in the hills so guarantees her privacy," a source said.

"And what better place to get musical inspiration than an ex-Beatle's home," the source added.

 For more on this story: Full Story



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