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AXS TV Kicks Off Tribute Band Series with host Katie Daryl

27 February, 2013 - 0 Comments

AXS-TV has a new live series starting March 4th called "The World's Greatest Tribute Bands".

It's no shock to us here at Beatles Radio that Britain's finest are being honored in the very first episode, with a tribute to the Beatles. Watch it live on AXS-TV at 11 PM Eastern/8 Pacific on Monday, March 4th, or be therein person for the free concert and live TV broadcast at the Roxy Theatre in Los Angeles.

Future episodes will showcase tributes to the Rolling Stones, the Doors, Fleetwood Mac and Journey.  For free tickets, go to EVENTBRITE.COM, and if you're on Twitter, follow @AXSTV for more details.

 For more on this story: Full Story



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