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Beatles Photog: They Never Asked Me to Stop

04 April, 2013 - 0 Comments

TIME magazine first assigned Grossman to photograph the band in 1964 during their first performance on The Ed Sullivan Show.

"People were screaming. I saw these four guys with long hair. Ringo was on the drums -- I didn't know his name was Ringo at that point. I found out later that afternoon," recalls Grossman in a WTOP interview.

Grossman's assignments covering the Beatles took him to Atlantic City, and the following year to the Bahamas and Austria for the filming of the movie "Help!"

"During lunch one afternoon George asked me if I could take some portraits of him and Pattie when we got back to London," said Grossman.

Read more on this story......

Source: Neal Augenstein,
Photographer: Henry Grossman


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