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George Harrison - so good The Beatles suppressed him

18 April, 2013 - 0 Comments

Ironically, his whip theirs five-to-one in terms of lyrical beauty, melodic classiness, harmonic might and thematic vision. Whatever the devil all that means. Plus, he was probably the nicest.

This was a pal who popped over to the US for a look during one of the heights of Beatlemania, only to come back dismayed, according to my former employer in the muffin restaurant.

Apparently he didn't find any "free love" or "free sex", did our good Georgie. However, let us not be too explicit about these things in journalistic records, just in case we go down in legal ones.

Anyhow, so he liked a bird?

Read more on this story........

Source: The New Zealand Herald

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