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Paul in PETA Ad for the Holidays

19 November, 2012 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney is telling people to go vegetarian for the holidays. In PETA's new advertising campaign, wearing an 'eat no turkey' t-shirt beneath the slogan, "Celebrate life this holiday season. Go vegetarian."

Paul has also recorded a voiceover for the animal right’s group's latest campaign video about the meat industry titled 'Glass Walls' after McCartney's quote, "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian."

Speaking about what the McCartney household eats instead, he says: "We eat a veggie roast at home, so if we have traditional moments like Christmas … the roast is perfect. It's completely vegetarian, but I can slice it, so I can do all my traditional dad things. We can do our family stuff with it, and it's delicious, so I much prefer that to my memory of turkey."

For more: Full Story

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