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Paul, Julian React to Death of Phil Ramone

01 April, 2013 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney and Julian Lennon have posted public comments on the passing of producer/engineer Phil Ramone.

On his website and Facebook, McCartney said, "Phil was a great friend of mine for many years. We first worked together when I recorded 'Another Day' in New York at A & R Studios. He was a very sweet man who combined this with expert knowledge of both engineering and production. I'll always remember him as a great friend that I knew, loved and admired over the many years that we worked and played together."

Lennon, who worked with Ramone on his first two albums, said on Facebook: “I'm deeply saddened to hear the news of my dear friend and first ever producer, Phil Ramone's, passing. My heart, of course, goes out to all of his family and friends. Phil, we were just getting to know each other again. I'm going to miss you.... As will countless others…You were one of the best... Always will be... x”

For more on this story: Full Story

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