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Paul McCartney records message for gun control group Voices Against Violence

18 April, 2013 - 0 Comments

A campaign started by Tony Bennett and his son Danny to get people to call their congressmen to encourage them to vote in favor of new legislation.

And guess who's serving as head cheerleader?

By texting "MYVOICE" to 877877, you get an automated message from McCartney, after which you're connected to a U.S. senator's office.

"Hi, this is Paul McCartney, and in a minute you will be connected to a congressperson who needs to hear your voice, now. Tell the congressperson that you support common-sense laws that keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people, including criminal background checks on all gun sales," he says.

"Enough is enough. Please add your voice -- and thank you for adding your voice to end gun violence."

Read more on this story.....

Source: Entertainment on Today

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