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Paul Says Other Beatles Were "Cheesed Off" by Yoko in Studio

25 March, 2013 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney says that while his perspective has changed since, he and the other Beatles were "cheesed off" by Yoko Ono's presence at Beatles recording sessions.

Paul tells Q  Magazine: "Because we'd been such a tight-knit group, the fact that John was getting pretty serious about Yoko at that time, I can see now that he was enjoying his newfound freedom and getting excited by it. But  when she turned up at the studio and sat in the middle of us, doing nothing, I still admit now that we were all cheesed off. But looking back on it - [Yoko and I] have talked about this - I think she realises it must have been a shock for us. But lots of things that went down were good for us, really. At the time, though, we certainly did not think that."

For more on this story: Full Story




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