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Paul Wanted "Yesterday" to Be Electronica

25 March, 2013 - 0 Comments

In the April issue of Q magazine, Paul McCartney says he had wanted to make “Yesterday” an early piece of electronica.

Paul says he approached electronica pioneer Delia Derbyshire from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, wanting to collaborate with her.

McCartney said:  "I even found out where Miss Derbyshire lived, and went round to visit her. We even went into the hut in the bottom of her garden. It was full of tape machines and funny instruments. My plan in meeting her was to do an electronic backing for my song, 'Yesterday'. We'd already recorded it with a string quartet, but I wanted to give the arrangement electronic backing...The Radiophonic Workshop, I loved all that, it fascinated me, and still does."

Derbyshire was behind the experimental Doctor Who theme tune.

For more on this story: Full Story


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