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Tony Sheridan bio reveals his candid impressions of the early Beatles

12 April, 2013 - 0 Comments

He also got Sheridan to candidly characterize the four Beatles, and also Pete Best and Stu Sutcliffe. He says Paul McCartney exuded a "casual brightness," while John Lennon was "rude, crude, witty and unholy."

The book is not a long read at 119 pages, but is well worth it for Sheridan's historical perspective. The book is available through Mann's website and

Q: When did you and Tony Sheridan first meet?

Alan Mann: “As far as I can be certain, we met at around age 4 when we both went to the local Infants (Bignold) School in Norwich, which would have been circa 1943/4.

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Source: Examiner: BY: STEVE MARINUCCI
Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons 

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