Author Ivor Davis Speaks on The Beatles 1964 Tour at Melvyn's
His book gives an insider's account of the tour that changed America
We all love telling a good story, and Ivor Davis has one walrus of a tale to pass on.
Davis had the unique opportunity to travel with The Beatles on their first American tour almost 50 years ago.
“The amazing thing today, when I go anywhere and talk about The Beatles…people are so fascinated with (them)…were talking about kids to people my age,” he says. “Looking back, I didn’t realize, at the time, how incredible this experience was. It took me a long time to appreciate that I had gone through this experience.”
As a young journalist and Hollywood correspondent for one of the largest newspapers in England,The London Daily Express, Davis had no inkling that the six-week assignment covering a fresh British band across the pond would provide a window into a world that has been speculated upon for generations.He spent 24/7 with The Beatles on the whirlwind 1964 tour that has made its way into music history. Many people have written about the iconic band. Many have speculated about the behind the scenes antics of these popular musicians, and many a song has been sung about the “Fab Four”…but Davis was there.
Source: Palm Springs Life