It's a good time to enjoy Julian Lennon's music

06 October, 2016 - 0 Comments

It's the time of year when leaves are changing, it's getting darker earlier, and just about everything appears to have a pumpkin-flavored version in stores.

It's also the time of year when I tend to pull out some Julian Lennon albums.

I don't quite know why it is, but records "Valotte" (his first, released Oct. 15, 1984) and "Help Yourself" (his fourth, released Aug. 20, 1991) are perfect fall soundtracks for me. I own all of Julian's albums (and I've got Sean Lennon's music, too; John's kids are both musically gifted), and I enjoy them all. "The Secret Value of Daydreaming," "Mr. Jordan," "Photograph Smile" and "Everything Changes" all are worthy records and suit different moods.

But here I am, smelling burning leaves and feeling that prickly hint of winter wind and it gets me to thinking of songs like "Valotte," "Space," "Well I Don't Know," "Too Late for Goodbyes" and "Lonely" (all from "Valotte"), and "Rebel King," "Saltwater," "Help Yourself," "Other Side of Town" and "Take Me Home" (all from "Help Yourself").

Part of it no doubt goes back to junior high and high school. I got "Valotte" as a Christmas present around eighth grade, and I bought "Help Yourself" probably around my freshman year of high school. I'm sure I played them both quite a bit during holiday breaks, so that likely affects my seasonal memory. (I have a similar relationship with The Beatles' "Abbey Road" album and Stephen King's "The Shining," but that's a story for another day.)

By: Chris Shields

Source: SC Times


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