Featured Release This Week From Paul McCartney + Tracks Top 30 Playlist

02 October, 2018 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney is a living testimonial to the virtues of being a vegetarian. The 76-year-old remains as vital as ever, with Freshen Up world tour dates scheduled into next year, and a new album titled Egypt Station. It's been five years since McCartney's last album of new songs, but he's no slacker. The record is nearly an hour long, not including several bonus tracks available in different formats. It's all prime Macca, with stylistic shifts and well-crafted songs to carry you along. Ever mindful of honoring the legacy of The Beatles, Sir Paul explained the record's title and concept on his website: "I liked the words 'Egypt Station.' It reminded me of the 'album' albums we used to make...'Egypt Station' starts off at the station on the first song, and then each song is like a different station. So it gave us some idea to base all the songs around that. I think of it as a dream location that the music emanates from."

Source: Mark Simmet/iowapublicradio.org


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