‘The Lennon Report’ Is An Unlikely Feminist Film Every Woman Should See

12 April, 2016 - 0 Comments

A movie chronicling the story of a man is every feminist’s dream come true. Ironic? Maybe. But the filmmakers behind the upcoming The Lennon Report had me falling in love with something I haven’t even seen yet, purely because of their conscience efforts to give women equal opportunity and allow them to shine with this project. Bustle caught wind of the film at the 2016 MTV Movie Awards and spoke with producers/brothers Rafael and Gabriel Francisco and star Stef Dawson about how they turn the story of an iconic man’s death into one which shares the spotlight with women — on and off screen — who are incredibly deserving of it.

First off, know that about 70% of the movie’s department heads was made up of women. “Having women work on a film, we’re never very conscience about it, it should just always be a regular thing,” says Rafael Francisco. “Women are just as qualified as men and that should never be a question. If everybody hired based on qualifications, it would be even everyday.” He explains how beneficial it is having women as such a strong part of a team’s backbone: “We have always hired women and men, we’ve never sort of [said], ‘More women or more men.’ So it’s natural. Other sets I’ve been on, I feel like hiring women, we actually got things done a lot faster. It was smoother.”

Damn straight.

By: Taylor Ferber

Source: Bustle


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