Let It Be returns - with an Imagined Fab Four reunion!
"Ever since 1970, that's all those blokes were asked. 'When are you coming back together?' It wouldn't matter what they were bringing out, or what product they were trying to show the world, all the world wanted to know was 'When are you getting back together?' As artists trying to grow and expand, that must have driven them mad."
Michael Gagliano, who plays John Lennon in Let it Be, is considering what it must have been like being an ex-Beatle during the time between the band's official break-up in 1970 and John Lennon's murder on December 8, 1980.
I'm upstairs at the Liverpool Empire, a glorious Victorian theatre in The Beatles' home town, shortly after opening night of Le it Be, and having a chinwag with the four cast members/musicians. The show's been a huge global hit over the last few years, but this isn't so much a revival as a hugely revamped show.
Source: John Byrne/rte.ie