McCartney family write to David Cameron on 'Meat Free Monday' campaign
Former Beatles man Paul McCartney has written a letter in support of the 'Meat Free Mondays' campaign, addressing David Cameron in advance of the Paris Climate Change Conference, which begins on Monday (November 30). The McCartney Family have been backing the campaign since 2009. The campaign argues that developed countries can reduce their carbon footprint by 2% overnight if everyone cuts out meat consumption one day a week, as well as talking about health benefits. The McCartney's suggestions include the implementation of Meat Free Mondays at schools, universities and government buildings, as well as involving restaurants and private businesses. Alongside his letter, Paul McCartney has released a video on behalf of the campaign, in which he says:"Hello there. Paul McCartney speaking … to you." "If you heard that meat production was one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, what would you do? Would you just ignore that fact, or would you want to do something and want to find a solution?" "Well, we encourage people at Meat Free Monday to not eat meat on a Monday – or any other day of the week – just one day makes a real difference!" "The idea has been taken up by schools, universities, governments – all around the world – and they’re enjoying it! People are enjoying it and it is going to make a big, big difference." "So we urge you to talk to your people, talk to the schools, talk to your friends, talk to anyone you need to talk to and encourage this idea. Because if enough of us do it, it could really make a big difference." Read more at