Pattie Boyd makes International Beatleweek debut

31 August, 2015 - 0 Comments

Pattie Boyd has spoken about her life with George Harrison during her debut at International Beatleweek. The model and photographer was interviewed by Beatles expert Mark Lewisohn in front of a packed ballroom at the Adelphi.

It was her second visit to Liverpool in just over a week, after she attended Cilla Black’s funeral in Woolton. And she spoke of the day, saying “I thought I was going to weep like mad, but it was so wonderful and brilliantly done....I’m sure Cilla would have been really pleased.”

The 71-year-old was a teenage model in London when she first met Beatle George Harrison on the set of A Hard Day’s Night in 1964.

She says: “I got a call from my agent to go for an interview. The usual girls were all there waiting to go in and show their photographs. “I recognised Dick Lester, as I’d done some TV commercials for him, and I went away thinking it was an interview for a commercial.“I was shocked and amazed when my agent called and said I’d got a part in a Beatles’ film.”

Some scenes were shot on a train running to the West Country and back, and Boyd revealed how at the end of the day’s filming George Harrison asked her for dinner that night. “I said, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t, I’m seeing my boyfriend’. Then he looked so crestfallen, I said ‘you can join us if you like’!”

Boyd also recalled the day a dirty, bearded tramp turned up at the door of the flat Harrison and fellow Beatle Ringo Starr shared in Knightsbridge.

By: Catherine Jones

Source: Liverpool Echo


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