The Beatles - are these really their best and worst songs?
The man who wrote the Beatles’ only authorised biography has revealed his picks for what he considers their worst songs, while cheerfully admitting he is “asking for trouble”. But if anyone can get away with such a bold move, it’s probably Hunter Davies.
Hunter is the man behind Four Lads Who Shook The World, which was published way back in 1968 after he had spent 18 months living in their shadows. It’s an exciting time for Beatles fans. International Beatleweek (August 24-30) is upon us, and Hunter, now 80, is heading to Liverpool to discuss his “legacy” – The Beatles Book (to be published on September 1 by Ebury at £30).
Four years in the making, it is the definitive guide to everything and everyone associated with The Beatles, and is divided into sections: People, Places, Songs and Broadcast and Cinema. Its rating system (using mop tops!) grades particular subjects out of 10 – and includes lists such as 10 Best Songs, 10 Worst Songs and 10 Most Influenial People. Though Hunter had the final say, he was helped by a top trio of Beatles experts and authors who worked with him on the book: Spencer Leigh and David Bedford from Liverpool and Keith Badman.
Hunter said: “I know it’s normal to rate hotels and restaurants, but rating The Beatles? I’m just asking for trouble! “Hopefully the way we have done it will inspire people and provoke some discussion. But regarding the ‘10 Worst Songs’ list, I know that for the real hardcore Beatles fan there is no such thing as a bad Beatles song!” Here are three of the lists from the book – let the discussions (and arguments) begin... Leave your comments or your own picks for best and worst in the comments section.
By: Paddy Sheenan
Source: Liverpool Echo