Paul McCartney Tells Howard Stern John Lennon Broke Up The Beatles
Paul McCartney was a guest on the Howard Stern radio show in New York last week and set the blame on The Beatles break-up with John Lennon.
Stern said he didn’t really know who broke up The Beatles, no-one did. “I do,” said Paul. “John. There was a meeting where John came in and said ‘hey guys I am leaving the group’. He had found Yoko and John loved strong women. His mother was a strong woman, his aunty who brought him up was a strong woman but, bless her, his first wife wasn’t a strong woman”.
Paul admitted it was hard for the others when John brought Yoko in. “John had met up with Yoko and even thought we thought it was intrusive, because she used to sit in on sessions and we had never had anything like that, but the guy was totally in love with her. You have to respect that”