Ten Things You May Not Know About the Gretsch Guitar
Rock ‘n’ roll as we know it wouldn’t exist without the guitar – particularly the electric guitar. Originally imagined as a way of expanding the sound of contemporary jazz music, the electric guitar helped usher in the rock movement that produced some of the greatest musicians of all time and gave rise to many of the guitar manufacturers we now hold in an almost holy reverence – one of which is The Gretsch Company.
It twangs, cuts, clucks and roars. The sound of Gretsch guitars run deep throughout the history of modern music. From funk, country, R&B, jazz and rock – it’s been there. Whether it was Pete Towshend, Neil Young, Brian Jones, George Harrison or most notably Chet Atkins, the unique properties of a Gretsch allowed players to leave a personal and indelible mark on music. To celebrate one of the greatest guitar companies, we decided to offer up a brand new Electromatic®CVT III to one lucky member of our community and to mark the occasion – here are Ten Things You May Not Know About the Gretsch Guitar!
Source: Rock Square
Phot Credit: Geddy Images