Studio 5A/B, Wembley Studios, Wembley
Prior rehearsals and recording session accomplished, the TV special Around The Beatles was taped before an audience between 9:00 and 10:15 this evening. The Beatles arrived at the studios at 11:00 am, however, for final rehearsals, and somehow also found the time to record radio interviews for Swedish radio with visiting presenter Klas Burling.
What with all of their guests, the Beatles actually participated in only two of the show's main items: their music set and a humorous opening spoof of the Interlude section of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (Act V Scene I), in which John portrayed the beauteous lady "Thisbe", Paul "Pyramus", George "Moonshine" and Ringo "Lion", all attired in costume. Apart from this, John, Paul and George were seen at the very start of the show, miming a trumpet fanfare, and then Ringo followed by hoisting a flag and setting off a cannon ball. Later, as a group, they introduced P J Proby's performance.
The finished 60 minute production was networked by Rediffusion on Wednesday, May 6th (9:45-10:45 pm) and repeated, in slightly edited form - the Beatles sections remained untouched - on Monday June 8th. NEMS was granted overseas sales rights and so was supplied with a print of the finished program. For the US market, Brian Epstein sold it to ABC, the first transmission occurring on Sunday, November 15 1964 (7:30-8:30 EST)
The Complete Beatles Chronicle - Mark Lewisohn