Twitter lampoons man whose hilarious John Lennon tattoo looks more like Harry Potter than Beatles star
It is unlikely that the artist intended drawing the popular fictional wizard after including the word 'Imagine' and a peace sign underneath the dubious portrait. A charitable Matt McFarlane said the image resembled 'a young John Lennon', although another user suggested Harry Potter would be able to 'magic all the spots away'.
Blue, manager of the Into You tattoo studio in Clerkenwell, London said: 'Obviously this is the work of a very bad tattoo artist. It is unforgivable for a client to go in looking for an image of John Lennon and go home with Harry Potter. 'Before getting any tattoo a client should fully research the studio beforehand. There are very good studios with excellent artists. They will have extensive portfolios in the studio and in many cases online so you can assess the quality of this work. 'In cases such as this, it is possible to get the tattoo removed by laser although that is incredibly expensive. Maybe it would be cheaper for the person involved to buy a few Harry Potter books and become a fan.'
Source: The Daily Mail, UK