When three teenage girls forged ahead to meet the Beatles

30 September, 2018 - 0 Comments

When three teenage girls decided they wanted to see the Beatles at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia in August 1966, few understood what their true intentions were.

Much of the miracle remains indelibly etched in her mind: the friends; the scheme; the date; the venue; the room; the band. A dream come true that seems like yesterday. Other memories are not so vivid. The passing of more than a half-century can often cast a translucence over details once assumed unforgettable.

Christine Nesteruk Gerber says the four greatest events in her 69 years of life were getting married, having children, getting grandchildren, and meeting the Beatles.

She’s not certain of the order.

Source: Phil Gianficaro/burlingtoncountytimes.com

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