Why Did Keith Richards Badmouth The Beatles’ ‘Sgt. Pepper’?

08 August, 2015 - 0 Comments

In a recent interview with our friend Scott Raab of Esquire, the Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards told Raab that The Beatles’ legendary Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band platter is “a mishmash of rubbish”. Thus our question of the day, of course, is why did Keith Richards badmouth the classic album? There are actually a couple of simple reasons:

One: Richards is known for “talking sh*t” about other musicians. This is especially true when he has something to promote. 

Raab himself confirms that Richards spoke to him because he wanted to talk “about his new solo album, Crosseyed Heart” and the simultaneous Netflix premiere of “the documentary Keith Richards: Under the Influence.” Controversy garners page hits and gets you trending on Facebook.

Two: Richards was drawn into it by Raab himself who told Richards: “I’ve been thinking about Rubber Soul, Revolver, ‘Sgt. Pepper’ and ‘The White Album’ and listening to Beggars Banquet, Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main St. Over the past 20 years, I’ve ?listened to that Stones stuff far more often.” 

Richards actually then made a comparative point. Esquire couldn’t resist pulling a small piece out of a full interview to use as click bait. 

This is what Richards actually said:

By: Will Pheonix

Source: American Live Wire



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